

Havenwood currently offers opportunities for women of all generations to participate in a "Circle" for Bible study, prayer, mission support and fellowship. Each Circle meets monthly, and participants may choose, but are not required, to volunteer to host a meeting and/or lead Bible study.


The Circle of Faith meets on the third Tuesday of each month, but at 7:30 p.m. Since this Circle meets in the evening, it's a fun girl's night out as well! Contact Wende Smith for additional information. 

Please feel free to attend either Circle meeting without any advanced preparation just to get to know us and determine which Bible study and fellowship group is for you!

Bible Study 


Wednesdays at 11am - Online via Zoom


We invite you to join us on Wednesday mornings at 11am on Zoom. Please invite friends and family to join as well. All are welcome! No previous understanding or study of the Bible is necessary, just an open heart and mind. Invite your friends. It's a great time to be had. 

Meeting ID: 892 2214 5763
Password: 21093

Meeting Link:



The goal of the Music Ministry at Havenwood Presbyterian Church is to serve and give praise to God through many musical avenues. All are invited to participate in the musical programs of our congregation. For more information on how you can get involved, please contact Valerie Adelung.